one incorporated
A non-profit corporation formed to publish a magazine dealing primarily with homosexuality from the scientific, historical and critical point of view... books, magazines, pamphlets. . . to sponsor educational programs, lectures and concerts for the aid and benefit of social variants, and to promote among the general public an interest, knowledge and understanding of the problems
of variation.
to sponsor research and promote the integration into
society of such persons whose behavior and inclinations vary
from current moral and social standards.
founded 1952
Managing Editor Associate Editors
Staff Artists
Don Slater
Robert Gregory
Wm. Edward Glover Marcel Martin K. O. Neal
Rolf Berlinsen
George Mortenson Tony Reyes
ONE Magazine is published monthly at fifty cents a copy, plus ten cents for mailing. Subscriptons, one year only, in United States, Canada and Mexico, seven dollars first-class sealed; no renewal; no airmail; rates to all overseas subscribers eight dollars a year. Publication offices, 2256 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles 6, California. Copyright 1964 by ONE, Incorporated, Los Angeles, California. Not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, unless self-addressed envelope and return postage are enclosed.